Ubuntu: MS TrueType font install
At first add keyword
Then execute:
Add the line bellow to
May be helpful (may be not):
to repositories list in /etc/apt/sources.list
. Then download Tahoma font and execute:$ sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts
$ cabextract IELPKTH.CAB
$ sudo cp *.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/
file (as root) and append the following lines:begin /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/tahoma.ttfActually these lines are taken from Arial font description and modified to Tahoma.
Family = Tahoma
FontName = Tahoma-Regular
Encoding = Unicode
Location = Magyar Dutch Spanish Czech Russian English Catalan Slovak Italian Turkish Danish Slovenian Basque Portuguese German Polish Swedish Norwegian French Finnish Greek
Charset = ISO8859-1 ISO8859-2 ISO8859-3 ISO8859-4 ISO8859-5 ISO8859-7 ISO8859-9 ISO8859-10 ISO8859-13 ISO8859-14 ISO8859-15 KOI8-R KOI8-U CP1251 VISCII1.1-1 TCVN-5712 ISO10646-1
UniCharset = ISO8859-1 ISO8859-2 ISO8859-3 ISO8859-4 ISO8859-5 ISO8859-7 ISO8859-9 ISO8859-10 ISO8859-13 ISO8859-14 ISO8859-15 KOI8-R KOI8-U CP1251 VISCII1.1-1 TCVN-5712
GeneralFamily = SansSerif
Weight = Medium
Width = Variable
Shape = NoSerif Upright
Foundry = Microsoft
Priority = 20
begin /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/tahomabd.ttf
Family = Tahoma
FontName = Tahoma-Bold
Encoding = Unicode
Location = Magyar Dutch Spanish Czech Russian English Catalan Slovak Italian Turkish Danish Slovenian Basque Portuguese German Polish Swedish Norwegian French Finnish Greek
Charset = ISO8859-1 ISO8859-2 ISO8859-3 ISO8859-4 ISO8859-5 ISO8859-7 ISO8859-9 ISO8859-10 ISO8859-13 ISO8859-14 ISO8859-15 KOI8-R KOI8-U CP1251 VISCII1.1-1 TCVN-5712 ISO10646-1
UniCharset = ISO8859-1 ISO8859-2 ISO8859-3 ISO8859-4 ISO8859-5 ISO8859-7 ISO8859-9 ISO8859-10 ISO8859-13 ISO8859-14 ISO8859-15 KOI8-R KOI8-U CP1251 VISCII1.1-1 TCVN-5712
GeneralFamily = SansSerif
Weight = Bold
Width = Variable
Shape = NoSerif Upright
Foundry = Microsoft
Priority = 20
Then execute:
$ sudo defoma-font -v reregister-all /etc/defoma/hints/msttcorefonts.hints
file:FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts"
May be helpful (may be not):
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure defoma
$ sudo defoma-reconfigure
$ sudo fc-cache -f -v
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